Friday, March 30, 2012

Bring on the concept

Now we needed to try a new grid, and include images from our concept class. The idea being, to imagine the page layouts as being relevant and having intent when placing type and image. I still wasn't quite there with this step, yet. Since the copy and image don't relate, I wasn't really relating them when I was laying things out. I was just trying to get some interesting results, if I could.

My biggest issues came where I was trying to really integrate the image with the copy. It wasn't the most successful thing, that's for sure. I think with the shapes I was using, it was too difficult to structure around. Either that, or I was trying too hard to fit the structure around the image. It just doesn't make total sense. I think my common denominator for every project I've ever done has come up again: simplify. Although, I'd like to point out that these particular bodies of copy are like stupid to work with when trying to put them "in context" with storyboard images. I WOULD NEVER WRITE THAT MUCH FOR A CONCEPT BOOK, EVER. At least not on a single page. (referring specifically to the Crystal Goblet text, and the excerpt from Hamlet) 

Just no. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Moar Grids

We had to revise our studies from before (or totally change them?) are my results:

Two major no-no's  for this period: FOLIOS + MARGINS.
I completely forgot to actually crop my pages, so the margins were just these big flappy things, like wings on a maxi pad I guess. Dorian hates 'em. I would too if I were actually trying to create something legit here. I'll try and keep that in mind for the future. 

I swear, my folios were cool....I still think my folios are ok, except that without the margin trimming, you can't tell very well. Maybe my spacing isn't enough to separate them

Gotta try a different grid next time.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Grids, Grids, Grids

Crit Notes:

  • centering = Jersey Girls ("ew")
  • Hamlet - do it like flowing text, it's a stream of info, don't break it up
  • folio elements shouldn't be larger than copy size, unless it's about being expressive
  • place folio element first
  • try using white as a color, make the page a tone
  • I didn't do too bad for someone without a clue
  • fail better

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Page Layout Design

Dear lawd, do not mention "grids," to me, please. This is Greek to me, I don't grasp it. Page layout is not my forte (although I rather wish it were).


Anywho - this was our official welcome to Adobe InDesign. Look how good I did!

I honestly wasn't trying too hard. There was no initial context going into this, so when it came to making decisions, like font size, I was just judging by the screen. Bad idea, but for lack of a better one....
Guess we're aiming for "print" with this one. 
"If you're reading a magazine...." My type was too.....wrong. It was a bit big. 

I dunno. as much as I kind of dread this, I'm looking forward to it. If I can get something out of this, I will be elated. Just making a simple flier is.....well, it just doesn't come naturally too me. I'd like to change that for the better.