Sunday, January 29, 2012

Motion Studies

Being restricted to moving the type in only x and y was an interesting challenge. It's kind of hard not to mimic everything I've already seen with kinetic type, it's also hard to not repeat patterns, which seems inevitable. I tried not to over think it, and I think the kinetic studies came out a'ight. The timing in every single one of them could be ironed out a bit, at specific parts for each one. For the most part I think the pacing of all of them is OK...granted I've been staring at the monitor for a few hours and reading the same phrase the whole time, so maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and realize how god awful they are. Hahahah


crit notes yo'

- I nailed it on the last composition with the sizing of the type, not to big, nay too small (well, really, just...not too small). Dare I say, the baby bear of my studies ("juuuussst right") we all learned a bit about how small you can go without going too small for screen (14px-29px)

- one of my compositions is too small, which was obvious when shown on the projector. I had been staring at these too long last night to notice, woops

- things to keep in mind (in general): don't just introduce one level of variation, make it 2 or 3. And ask yourself if every frame is interesting as you review your work (obviously it's not really possible to necessarily make every frame a stunnah, but more or less keep the motion, and key points visually compelling)

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